Federal Construction Contractors
Focused on Construction
Over the past several years, the Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has announced its intention to conduct compliance reviews of hundreds of companies with federal construction contracts or subcontracts for compliance with federal affirmative action regulations. These reviews often last months and can result in years of additional reporting and significant financial remedies.

Who Must Comply
Companies with a direct federal contract or subcontract of $15,000 or more have requirements regarding individuals with disabilities. Once a company has a contract of $150,000 or more, it has requirements for protected veterans. To learn about the different contract thresholds and related requirements, check out our Guide to Federal Construction Contract Thresholds.
Affirmative Action Obligations
Requirements for construction companies differ based on contract amounts and types. Covered federal contractors need to maintain affirmative action plans for Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment and Assistance Act. Additionally, federal construction contracts must measure their workforce against a 7% utilization benchmark for individuals with disabilities and an annually set hiring benchmark for veterans.

The DCI Difference
We have been in the affirmative action and HR compliance industries for more than two decades and understand the unique requirements and circumstances surrounding construction companies. If your organization is subject to the affirmative action regulations for federal construction contractors, has been included in a Corporate Scheduling Announcement List, or is part of a designated Mega Construction Project, we know exactly what your company needs to do to be compliant with these requirements.